Quality of Life and Working Conditions (QLWC): 1st meeting

Quality of Life and Working Conditions (QLWC): 1st meeting

During this first negotiation meeting on Quality of Life and Working Conditions (QLWC), Management recalled the legal framework, the issues and the 3 themes which will be addressed according to a schedule of 6 meetings scheduled until June 6.

WAGES: it’s still not enough!!!

WAGES: it’s still not enough!!!

FO recalled that the average wage policy in the Metallurgy industry is 4% for 2024. FO does not envisage that Airbus can be satisfied with being in this average. To reach an agreement, Airbus will have to climb into the leading ranks of Metallurgy companies!

Wages: unacceptable proposal!

Wages: unacceptable proposal!

Today, Management brought together the union organizations for a first negotiation meeting on salary policy from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

Plan Epargne Retraite Obligatoire, PERO (FR/EN)

Plan Epargne Retraite Obligatoire, PERO (FR/EN)

La loi PACTE d’octobre 2019 a créé un dispositif de Plan d’Épargne Retraite (PER) complémentaire pour tous, salariés et non salariés, décliné de façon individuelle et collective.

On-call duty 2nd negotiation meeting: towards an immediate and fair recognition of the effort

On-call duty 2nd negotiation meeting: towards an immediate and fair recognition of the effort

Following the first negotiation meeting, the analysis carried out by FO, based on your feedback, confirmed that the proposed system did not satisfactorily meet the objective of fairly valuing the commitment, according to the duration and the positioning of interventions during the year. FO therefore alerted Management several days before this 2nd meeting to ask it to propose a simpler system that responds to the previous findings.