Everything you need to know about TSA feeding since January 1, 2024


You have just received information telling you that the balance of your variable part (classes 11 to 15) or your variable part in its entirety (classes 16) will be paid by default on your April 2024 paycheck.

However, you have the possibility to transfer all or part of this sum to your Time Saving Account (TSA), in the Short Term TSA sub-account only (deadline: April 15, 2024, via myHR / Services / Service request / Monetary investment in TSA).
The days thus placed will be visible on your Short Term TSA at the beginning of May.

FO reminds you that the Short Term TSA is capped at 30 days. If this ceiling is exceeded when converting your variable part into days, the excess will be systematically paid.
If you wish to place your variable part on the Short Term TSA with the aim of then funding the Long Term TSA (as from beginning of May), remember to empty your Short Term TSA before making the investment.

Furthermore, there are other ways to fund TSA, Short Term and Long Term, throughout the year. Below, FO provides you with insight into all possible investments, in money or in days.

This is complementary to the “FO calendar of placements” that we recently published (to discover HERE).